the same fucking mundane cc thing again. but there was something interesting that happened.
once again, the fucking rotten middle agers striked again.
today marv teckyang shao feng and me were at the toliet at the cc. fengheng went mad and pushed marv into the women's toliet. and he tripped and hit the side of a cubical near the door hard. then we were walking away. then this rotten middle aged woman, about 40plus old, who was in the toliet. came out and like scolded us damn rudely, like you bloody hell or something and it was in a very kaopeh tone. like fucking kaopeh with a fucking kaopeh face. at first she like said it fast then walk away. then i caught abit and i asked what did you say? then she shouted it at us. i mean we didnt know and if she told us in a nice way we would have said sorry. so she walked back, and we argued with shouting and stuff. then she walked away like scolding us and then marv took a low blow and shouted CHEEBAI, and he went to pee -.- so she came back pissed, and thought it was ty and scolded him, and ty scolded back cause he knew it wasnt him. haha then marv came out, and then more arugements and shit. she was fucking rude and she was a hag. there were like stupid mocking comments like "go exercise" and "old lady" haha. well after that we sat outside the study room there, and she came back with a damn fat guy, who was a counter guy. then she bitched again. then the guy was like cool down, and we also said cool down to her. haha. it was like "dont tell me to cool down" "cool down" "i dont need to cool down" "relax" it was damn funny the fatguy also wanted to laugh. then in the end she walked away annoyed and so were we. she was a real bitch, i mean she was fucking rude about it, and her tone and face makes you wanna slap her i swear.
after studying a bunch of us went to the UNCLE RINGO EURO THEME PARK @ bishan. where there were some pretty cool rides. but there is a sad story behind that night:
after a long tiring mundane day of work, 6 tired boys, attracted by the flashing lights and the high rides, walked to the uncle ringo theme park, to check things out. however, when they entered and saw the signboard, their hopes were dashed thrown to the ground and spat on, as the prices were ungodly preposterous. 10 dollars for a ride, was something none of us expected. those were prices from beyond. however, they still walked around the park, to see the rides which looked great. we cursed, why were we not rich guys. we were in a terrible plight, 6 boys in a theme park, with no money. we even tried to get free rides, by standing damn near the rides, and reading the instructions for way too long. there was an Eurasian guy who was mending one of the rides, but he closed the cold hard steel gates to mock us, brutally crushing our hopes of a getting a free ride. his heart, was as cold and hard, as the steel gates. we cursed and sweared at the Eurasian within our group, as well as uncle ringo. then we walked out, with an emptyness within us.
haha okay that was a rather dramatic version of the story, which joseph thought could make a sad story. well uncle ringo is a fucking ripoff. like 10 bucks for one ride which was madness. haha we even tried to look for tokens on the floor. hahaha. the rides looked damn fun i tell you. they thought the prices were inelastic, but they were totally wrong about that. haha. well joe called the eurasian guy a german nazi who was from the SS, and that he survived the WW2 and hard a cold heart, hahahaha. funny shit. well UNCLE RINGO SUCKS the youth hate you.
well after that i went to twins place with louis to get the field boots for tomorrows match. church con5 against con4. we chatted for quite a while and lost track of time. well after that we went home.
grace will be back tomorrow!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
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